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welcome to USSCI online claims

3 Steps to file a Claim

We know how stressful it can be when you need to submit a claim for insurance benefits. That’s why we’ve worked hard to make this process simple and fast.


How to File a Claim

Find your policy login (this should be in your email, but if you can’t find it – feel free to email [email protected] or call 833-227-6018 to have it resent)

1. Login to the system

2. Click on my policies ->Details -> Claims -> Add

3. Select your claim reason, complete the brief form, and watch out for an email with more info!

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Our goal is to improve the youth sports market by providing solutions for Clubs, Parents, Event Organizers and Teams!

 Finally you don’t have to roll the dice and hope you get what you pay for – you can insure the risk and have peace of mind! 

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